Gadget Renesas

Linking Ideas and Electronics

GR Atelier

Title:Fly Gadget Renesas to Space!

Displayed Name:ResearchKing Project Luke

Fly Gadget Renesas to Space!

Concept / Overview
The goal was to link GR-PEACH and a WiFi camera and send this device soaring into space (ultimate destination) on a kite or balloon to capture images of the earth. We sent a kite into the sky and took a video. We think that if we can use a GPS and a telecom module (which is always an issue for space balloons), and keep sending the device location in real time, we can improve the recovery rate of the device.

The idea behind the gadget & happy users

  • Idea

We aimed to produce an affordable space video kit using a GADGET RENESAS board. Recently, some individuals have linked smartphones and balloons for space photography.  Meanwhile, small-sized artificial satellite kits have become popular.


Which made us wonder …. Could a GADGET RENESAS board also go into space? Now can we easily attempt what laboratories of international organizations or universities have done? We believe that if elementary school children who are interested in space could take photos by themselves, that might lead to great things in the future.


  • Happy Users

Elementary school children interested in space and/or electronics, etc.


Results Achieved as of Contest Judging

First, we aim to put together a small-sized mock artificial satellite (popularly known as a CanSat). We will equip a balloon with a camera and communication device and fly it to an altitude of 250m or less (as governed by the Civil Aeronautics Law). We will take and transmit images of the earth.


Demo Video

ResearchKing Project Luke

