Gadget Renesas

Linking Ideas and Electronics

GR Atelier

Title:Vision Based Tyre Sorter

Displayed Name:The Visionaries

Vision Based Tyre Sorter

Concept / Overview
Vision Based Tyre Sorter
Theme :Industrial Automation
Abstract: In an era of emerging new technologies and automations, the industries look forward to automate all processes that they carry out. Mission of ours is no different. The following problem has been identified by us during our recent visit to a tyre industry. The Core idea of the proposal is to automate the process of tyre sorting in the tyre manufacturing industries which is in the scope of southern region. The tyres being manufactured in tyre manufacturing industries are modelled according to the customer needs (motorcycle companies). Such tyres have different dimensions and tread patterns. The classification of tyres based on these specifications is meant as sorting of tyres. So, the basic objective is to sort the curved tyres for storage and packing sections. Presently, in tyre industries this process of sorting tyres is carried out with Man-Power only. Hence, this proposal emphasizes on automating the process of tyre sorting with the help of image processing techniques.

The proposal is divided into two modules for easier execution named as diameter recognition and pattern recognition. Firstly, the tyres can be classified based on their diameters and to differentiate tyres that have same diameter, tread pattern on the sides of the tyre is recognised and thus classification is being carried out.




The Visionaries

GR LYCHEE Design Contest 2018 in India, Finalist 3rd Place
