Gadget Renesas

Linking Ideas and Electronics

GR Atelier

Title:Japanese language learning device

Displayed Name:Chau Bao Nhi

Japanese language learning device

Concept / Overview
Nowadays, more and more people in the world and Southeast Asia start learning Japanese. With a desire to help learners to approach this difficult language faster, I would like to promote this IOT educational appliance. To use this device, learners gather together like in a card game. KANJI, a part of Japanese language, or part of them are written on cards. They can exchange these cards in anyway. When ones have a completed KANJI character in their hands he or she will lay these under the cameras connected to GR-PEACH board. GR-PEACH board is connected to a web server. Image analyzing result of the KANJI will be compared with data on the web server. The matching KANJI and its related information will be responded through a screen and loudspeakers.

General introduction and explanation

At the first step I asked for GR Audio Camera Shield & Camera Module and ROHM Sensor Shield EVK but I only received GR Audio Camera Shield & Camera Module. So I could not use TCS3200 Color sensor or TCRT5000 Infrared sensor to recognize border of the KANJI cards for the clearest images. This reduced the quality of my device. These is no data for the len of the camera to automatically focus on KANJI cards or for motors to control the distance between camera and KANJI cards.
Users have to use hands to control the len for the best images.

Cause a lack of necessary hardware I decided to boost the using of software. The device looks simple but contains massive software using inside.

I’m also trying to write a program doing all the things, from downloading from website to the final step. A complex and difficult work.


 GR Peach board

 GR Audio Camera Shield & Camera module

 Ethernet cable: is used to connect the device to wifi modem

 LED 5mm (white): for better light


 Mbed platform: For programming the board, camera shield, Ethernet...

 WebimgDL: downloads image automatically from website

 JishoOCR: This is the software written for this project (by C#). It is a combination of Image processing (Matlab), OCR Text scanner and Japanese-English dictionary.










Chau Bao Nhi

Finalist, GR-PEACH Design Contest 2017 in ASEAN
